Microsoft Series Part 4 - OneNote/Notebook/Class Notebook

     Part four of our Microsoft Series is focused on one of the most comprehensive tools in the Office 365 suite; OneNote/Notebooks/Class Notebooks.  Think of OneNote as an online environment that allows you to organize and catalogue information from a variety of different mediums (text, images, audio, video) as well as embedded content from within Microsoft but also third-party platforms.

     Now, like I mentioned, the amount of options available through this tool is incredibly comprehensive so recognize that this post is a general overview of how you can learn more.  With that being said, if you are using this tool I'd love to hear what your favourite features are; leave a comment below with your thoughts!

OneNote Office 365 Logo. (Accessed 2019).
Available online at
OneNote Desktop App Logo. (Accessed 2019). Available online at

What is OneNote?

OneNote/Notebook/Class Notebook Professional Development 

"In this learning path, you will learn to navigate within the OneNote Windows 10 app structure, use OneNote tools effectively, create lesson plans, assessments, and learning activities using various tools in OneNote, create notebooks for student and teacher collaboration using OneNote Class Notebook, create notebooks for collaboration between staff members using OneNote Staff Notebook" 

OneNote/Notebook/Class Notebook Tutorials Playlist on YouTube 

A selection of 40 videos pulled from the "Microsoft Education" YouTube Channel. 

A selection of 47 videos pulled from the "Microsoft Office 365" YouTube Channel. 

A selection of 12 videos pulled from the "Microsoft Office 365" YouTube Channel. 


Since I am no longer in the classroom I don't have a Class Notebook that I utilize with students in the traditional sense.  However, all of our MVSD staff are essentially my students so I have created a Notebook to curate ICT Resources for staff to access.

mountain view school division, kirsten thompson, ict support for staff, manitoba ict resources
MVSD ICT Resources notebook screenshot. (2019). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available internally only.
I also maintain a Notebook to organize myself within my role.
Share how you use Notebook in the comment section below!

View the other posts in our Microsoft Series:
Microsoft Educator Community
- Office 365 Overview
- OneDrive
- OneNote/Notebook/Class Notebook
- Forms

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