Microsoft Series Part 2 - Office 365 Overview

     In the second part of our Microsoft series I would like to provide a general overview of the Office 365 Suite, where to find professional development, and how these tools can be used in the classroom.  It is important to note that the screenshots and information that I share are within the context of my position at MVSD; specific features may appear differently depending on your context.

What is Office 365?

The Office 365 suite, featuring more than ten associated tools/apps, can be easily accessed by selecting the "9-dot waffle" App Launcher in the top left-hand corner of your screen when logged into your staff intranet.  For those outside of MVSD, you can access Office 365 at:

A selection of 30 videos pulled from the "Microsoft Office 365" YouTube Channel which discusses many different Microsoft products. 

FREE Office License Downloads
Mountain View School Division is pleased to offer FREE access to Microsoft Office to every student and staff member in the division!  Please check out the informational presentation linked HERE.
office 365 mountain view school division, Kirsten Thompson, free office download, manitoba school division, tools for success, reducing digital divide


Does your school division use Office 365?

What are you favourite tools in your Office 365 suite?

View the other posts in our Microsoft Series:
Microsoft Educator Community
- Office 365 Overview
OneNote/Notebook/Class Notebook

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