
Every Monday I share a different ed tech quote on our Thompson Classroom social media pages for our staff to consider.  

This week's Mantra is:

Mountain View School Division, MVSD, Kirsten Thompson, Microsoft Certified Trainer , online instruction,
Ed Tech Quote. (2020). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at: http://fishbowlteaching.blogspot.com/ 
After 10 weeks, educators in Manitoba are beginning a return to school buildings this week.  While this looks slightly different depending on your school division (you can read how MVSD is organizing this return), one similarity is that this shift will result in an increased access to your colleagues.  I encourage you to carve out some time to not only self-reflect but to also meet with your colleagues (safely) to discuss the strengthes, challenges, and next steps around your use of online learning platforms.

It will still be quite some time before we can begin determing what instruction in the fall will look like but I want our staff to be as prepared as possible for a variety of formats: online instruction, a hybrid or mixed-schedule model, or a modified face-to-face.  I am currently working to help develop supports for a variety of methods to assist our teachers in a shift from emergency remote-delivery to true online instruction; stay tuned!

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