Science Course Outline

The following is a theoretical course outline developed for my Science Methods class. It is designed around the Senior 1 (Grade 9) Manitoba curriculum.

grade 9 science course outline, science course outline, course outline example
Available on Google Docs:

Some things I tried to incorporate while creating this outline:
- "Backwards by Design" planning
- Assessment breakdown that follows the new MB Provincial Report Cards
- Incorporating information that speaks to views similar to those in the division
   I am student teaching in
- Creating a culture of respect in the classroom

This is the first course outline I've created so I would love feedback!

** It is important to note that I DO NOT have a background in Science and, because this was a theoretical assignment, you'll notice some areas have "..." as I was unsure about what would be the best information to include.

UPDATE: Sept 24, Sept 27
(some general points after course outline discussion in class)
- Remember that information on course outlines is not JUST for students but
  also for the parent/guardians 
- Provide approximate dates for tests and major assignments
  (important for our accountability and so students and parents are aware beforehand)
- Plan for your course to finish 1 week before the end of the term/year to provide
  time for students to revisit material 
- Do not take away responsibility from your students, provide information &
  hold students accountable
- Provide choice for students
- Student friendly language
- Discuss grading schemes with your admin beforehand
   (ex). To receive credit, student must have an average of 60% of better in all
           course material.
- The most important thing you want to convey needs to come at the beginning
  of the outline
- Think about what you are putting on the outline
   - Does it need to be there?
   - Why did you include it?
   - By including something, what does it portray to your students/parents?

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